-15- but that's okay baby

Feeling: intoxicated
I was hoping we could be friends, like the times I broke up with you, but I guess that's not how it's going to be or what? I honestly thought that afterwords, we could be really good friends, but instead it's changed into this I hear stuff about your life, and how since I'm not in it it's gotten better, how you're different now. I guess that we wont talk now face to face. Which is understandable, i don't give you the feelings that you want, and so I'm not worth the time, that how I thought that i was somethin special to you, but I guess, judging by our absence of friendship, that I'm replacable. I will never be able to replace the feeling that I got from you, I will never be able to replace you, but I will be able to find DIFFERENT love, not the same as what we had, but something new, a new feeling, a variation of love. A love that could eventually, if necessary, become friendship. That kind of stuff happens.
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