[*114*] Bullshit

Listening to: ------
Feeling: thankful
so basically my parents are assholes. my step-dad calls me at the beginning of 5th period, and yells at me. what for, you ask? i accidentaly mis-matched his socks.(yeah, that's right, he makes me do his laundry). i matched a really dark navy blue one with a black one. and he was "embarassed in front of his entire company." yes, he actually said that. and he KEPT CALLING BACK!!!! he wouldn't stop calling me. i finally turned my phone of so he couldn't call during some one's performance(I was in Drama). then, last night, i was asking (again) for permission to audition for the breakfast club (they don't approve of the script). finally, you know what they said? "sure, you won't make it." i hope i make it.
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you better damn make it! make me proud! idk where that came from! i bet you will.... <33333333 good luck tho, whenever that is
god damn it lindsay! u will make it! i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! show them right!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. do u think i'd be able to be a munchkin? that wuld be TOO kool.