I'm not religious, I'm school spiritual, pt. II

So, week before last (Feb. 6th-10th) was SPIRIT WEEK. And, let me tell you, it rocked. But first, the backstory. If LAST YEAR was any indication, spirit week is a serious thing. The grades compete against eachother in challenges and decorations. 06 (the current seniors) won last year, so everyone wanted to dethrone them. Our grade, the MIGHTY 08, was not seen as a very spirited grade, so we had something to prove. The general setup is that, each day, grades get points for the percentage of the grade that dresses up, as well as the lunchtime challenge activity. Also, each grade has a forum. It's kind of like an open area that you can just chill in. All of a grade's lockers make a square around their forum. Kind of harrypotteresque. The grades decorate the forums, and are ranked by a panel of teachers. So Monday's theme was color day, and we were orange. (09-purple, 07-yellow, 06-pink). The senior guys all wore really tight pink girls shirts. It was really funny. I just wore an orange soccer jersey with an orange buttondown over it. Just as a side note, our school colors are white, green, and blue. We go crazy like that. The lunchtime activity was like that old show, singled out. I made it to the last question, but boo hoo I don't have blue eyes. A junior guy and a senior girl (both cool kids) won points for their teams. Also, the decorations were ALL balloons and shitty streamers. Uneventful day. Tuesday was holiday day. We originally were going to have Thanksgiving, but that was too offensive (oh nos native americans!) so instead we got...mardi gras. The antithesis of offensive, I know! It was a lot of fun, though. I looked like this: (Others: 09-Halloween, 07-St Patty's Day, 06-July 4th). The lunchtime activity was the gallon challenge. Drink as much milk as you can in 10 minutes. Our guy was trucking it, but then he puked. We lost. The winner drank about 1/2 to 2/3 of a gallon. Wednesday was when we really picked it up. It was cowboy/ranch/farmer day for everyone. We got a ton of attendence, won the tests-of-strength lunchtime challenge, and WON THE DAY. Which, as I was saying, was the day most indicative of spirit, as the first two days are warmup and the last two days are cooldown. They should call it spirit Wednesday. We got to have the STANLEY CUP (buckets covered in duct tape) for the next day. Thursday was a lot of fun. It was age day, and we were elementary schoolers. (09-retirees, 07-babies, 06-college). We decorated our forum like a bedroom, complete with a ton of toys, including my dartboard and castle. We brought in a N64 and played Mario Kart. Here is a picture of me winning. I have the grey controller: I totally JUST realized that two of those guys are wearing the same shirt. It's from the laser tag place where basically everyone had birthday parties. My "costume" involved green samba sneakers, quicksilver shirt, a hoodie of my elementary school, basketball shorts, and a flip-up haircut that was very convincing. The lunchtime activity was jeopardy, and we brought the STANLEY CUP to show our awesomeness. I, keeping the theme of last year, fucked it up royally. We got last and I am on a straight path of blazing inferno to next year's jeopardy challenge. FRIDAY, the COUP DE GRAS or whathaveyou, was EMO DAY. Technically it was emo/punk, but come on, I wasn't about to not dress emo. (Stereotype day: 09-grunge, 07-preps, 06-jocks/cheerleaders). Our forum was a concert for a stage. It looked awesome. I played some songs, like "I DONT believe in a thing called love" and "Wonderwall", because those are basically the only songs I know how to play on guitar. I was also lead singer for our fake emo band, with songs like "10PM Curfew" and "I play guitar for the same reason I cut myself". (Lyrics: Attention attention x40). Let's get to it with some PIX: Andre as an emo wistfully staring. Don't stare at these too much. I'd hate for some emo girl's pr0n folder to be andreemocorner.jpg and catcherintherye.txt Andre as an emo staring with that I'm-too-cool-for-not-cutting-myself look. Those wristbands gave me fake but semi-convincing cutting scars. Oh, also, I have safety pins in the button holes of my shirt. It's kind of hard to see. Also, my hair is a little short for 100% emocity, but the pictures don't do my sweet emo side part justice. Andre as an emo angstfully staring in his corner. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm holding a copy of Catcher in the Rye, which I kept in my back pocket. Now, I don't know if those pictures accurately portray it, but my (girls style) pants were ferociously tight. It was difficult to climb stairs. Here are some quotes I got about these pants: "Not even kidding, those are the tightest pants I have ever seen." "Um, do you even have a dick?" "How does that book fit into your pocket?" One girl even said, "You look like my ex-boyfriend's twin. Literally. The fit of the pants, the eyeliner, the hair part...nothing is different." And of course, "Those pants are SO TIGHT" x100 Many people just sort of laughed and asked who owned the pants. A few people said it looked good...that creeped me out. At the end of it all, the Freshmen got last, as expected. It was really tight between 08 and 07...BUT WE PREVAILED, getting second place. It was awesome. Nobody could touch 06, though, they just overall did well at every aspect of it. However, second place is wildly successful, and we won best forum two or three times. So, a much more awesome spirit week. I see only bright things in the future for our grade. Awesome times. I really want to dress like an emo kid again. 2/19 edit: Today is the notable anniversary of Spontaneous Combustion. What a fun night, I'll tell you. I've been working on my next set like mad, whenever that happens to be.
Read 33 comments
Yeah, I know. :-O
haha thank you.
im really bored.
mardi gras? looks like you have a LOT of beads, how did you get those? huh? HUH? HUH ?
Whoa whoa! That was zippity-quick. You found me. You found me good.
Dear Korex,

welll...screw you!!!!!!!!!!!
i was just kidding. cogradulations, and i am REALLY sorry minesweeper got deleated. i have never heard of that happening.

i like your mardi gras picture, and the kid in the background attempting to be as cool as you & get in it. hahah usually that person is mee.
gum is cool but the reason my jaw hurts is because i was having this really scary dream about dinosaurs and when i woke up i could barely open my mouth cuz i had my teeth clenched for the entire night...lol...dinosaurs


first emo pic is totally rad btw
i don't know if i believe that b.s. story......
Aww!! Andre's so cute with his little, yellow hat. And beads. Dirty, dirty, dirty beads. And the girl bent over in front of you...that doesn't look good.

Stop growing up so fast

Drivers Ed suckles the big one. I've hit about three pedestrians or so, and I have to sit on two pillows due to my notoriously short physique.

Shit-son! I think I might just have to sue those dirty sonsofabitches for not fixing my cat despite the fact that we never asked them to, apparently.
ahahahahaha like the sun, NICE SIMILIE. err, metaphor. i dont know. i never really was good in that area.

do you have a myspace?
Hi. =]

I started up a icon/html sitdiary, and I'm trying to get the word around.

Hope you'll check it out!
That's right you were tagged.
And you had better deliver.

Oh and how are you? You've been boycotting me lately - don't think I haven't noticed!!!
wow...that was prompt.
well done andie.
thats pretty awesome. we tried to get a ninja turtle, but they were all out :(
haha. cheer up emo kid.
In my school...
Spirit Week has a completely different meaning...
It's the cult week.
Pity me. You know you want to.
I find pitying strangers is healthy..good for the lungs..
1. i love the title on this entry. it makes me laugh each time

2. youre so witty for a young boy. if you didnt look exactly like my cousin, samuel, id have an illegal internet crush on you. fo sho.

can i read that one? does it talk about how you like larger women to read to you? what? that was weird.
My scool just sucks... All the time. Literally- We have no reason for any school spirit because every sport besides girls' soccer or basketball never wins a single game. It's sort of humorous after a while, actually..

You look like two different people as an emo kid and when you're playing N64. You pull off emo very well. Just give yourself some sleeves of tats and you've got it down pat.

I'm in love with my library idea, too.
my tye dye is better than yours :]
Doesn't it?

The N64 picture reminds me of my boyfriend, playing Halo =P. Ahh. Anyway, I like Catcher in the Rye. The emo kids just don't freaking understand it, because...They're emo! They're too busy doing whatever it is they do.

Sounds like a fun time though! Your school is much more fun than ours, it seems.
you have one big grudge against emo's don't ya!! geesh. Just so ya know, not all Emo's slef harm. its about the emotion and the music and the look. and the black hair of course. I love Emo's. I am an Emo. Man, american schools have fun times...*sigh*
Well, I must say. Emo Andre is pretty spectacular. :)

I never really got that Catcher In The Rye thing.
It is a rather good book, alright, but what the hell is so special about it?
Maybe I´m not emo enough.

hmmmm... so you like rainy nights and you can really get away with the eyeliner...
Are you sure you´re only faking the emo-kid?
haha thats awesome. they do that at our school, too, i believe. everyone is hoping that i win the contest. if i do, i think i have to go meet the judges and you better believe that im going to milk it for all its worth.
you know it took me like 5834902 hours to realize chad was not only a super cool name but a country. so i would agree that it is indeed rad.

happy mardi gras. ?
ryn: It was chocolatey and delicious, but not overly boozy. It was juuuuuust right.
You should make it - it's tasty.
Have a good weekend, emo boy.
you're such a dime. err....attractive male. haha. i love your tiny lacoste shirt.
you crack me up.
i loved all the pics, but the mardi gras one was the best. even though you DID rock emo day.
oh and i used to love mario kart.

have a great day, emo boy.
you're a cutie. i dont know if you posted photos before and i just cant recall or what..but. i pictured you as a little kid. youre tall.


Wait til you see the pictures from my party that has not yet happened.

wooooo yeah.