Hopes and Dreams of Andre Boyardee

So, it's been about two months. The reason that I haven't updated more is because it would likely be terrible. The concepts would resemble the following list: Things Andre will accomplish but probably not write about 1. Open up "Ice Cold's Hotcakes" so they can sell like themselves 2. Change last name to Boyardee, attend cooking school 3. Practice minesweeper, attain official ranking of eight 4. Throw a surprise party for someone that's extra surprising because it's not their birthday 5. Sell a guaranteed-clean spraybottle product called OptiMist (groan) 6. Play a real-life simulation of The Sims 7. Tell Kim Jong Il that Greenland called him short 8. "Why should only Jewish people be allowed to have bar mitzvahs?" 9. Now! That's what I call overdoing it! Vol. 23 10. Present an exhibit of my gradeschool art class clay masterpieces (I might actually do that last one eventually) I do, however, have a couple aces up my sleeve. Those aces will hopefully turn into bomb entries. Don't touch that dial.
Read 9 comments
can't hardly wait.

meanwhile I am turning into YOU as I never update anymore.

yay for clay!
Perhaps you could also dwell on the false advertising that has taken over the nation for forever years but has never been used in a law suit. I have more than once considered suing a number of local gas stations when I go to get my "ice cold" fountain beverage and found it to still be in liquid form. If it were ice cold, it would be ice. Unless my beverage of choice was gasoline, which doesn't freeze. It just turns gummy.
I would also assume the freezing point varies for the numerous beverages, but wouldn't that simply mean that "ice cold" is a different temperature for all of them, and still none of them are that low? Or is water the only thing that can really be ice, or do all ice-meters just go by water-ice temperatures? How intricate, sir.
there are eye crusties in my eyes
I personally did an actual 'hehehe' when you mentioned Greenland calling Kim Jong Il short. I just got done watching Team America.
Screw Sondre Lerche. You can take him, Andre. I got your back.
life without a sonic?? how do you survive?
I could go for a surprise party.