Andre = A Nerd

This week was exam week. In the spirit of exams, I will give a little word association. Andre : His chemistry exam (as) Alkali Metals : A bathtub of water Andre : His english exam (as) Beowulf : Grendel Andre : His history exam (as) Sultan Suleiman I : The Hungarians Andre : His French exam (as) Napoleon : Europe Andre : His math exam (as) Multiplication by zero : the number six Overall, I'm like the meteor of a brain that killed the dinosaurs that are my exams. (Holy shit I'm a pompous prick!) And, as if I weren't enough of a dork, I finished my French exam early and doodled this: It says "andre". Now, flip over your head, monitor, or house and look at it. WHOA HEY COOL. Oh, and just to top it all off, I got this pretty cool looking scratch/cut thing over my left eye and it looks DANGEROUS. But I really got it from velcro, which I think is funny.
Read 59 comments
Oh. I got surrved right there, Andre. Ouch.
If you must know, the reason I didn't take drivers ed back in September is because my retarded morning spare made me miss the announcements. Needless to say, I cut my wrists.
do it!
i'd pay you in metaphorical hugs and pennies!
how're things?
Somehow I don't picture your life as boring.....
But I can't say anything because my life is amazingly boring.
Good to hear from you though.

thanks so much.
i feel uber-spiffy cool now.
girls practically throw their panties at me when I tell them I know how to network computers
I can't stop thinking about getting into catnip.
I, too, am a sweet driver. But the difference is that I am a legal sweet driver.
You're still cool though.

I am eating Icebreakers Sours right now. You should try them - they are delightful.
Fair enough.
I just saw that you took my quiz! Not bad considering you don't know me very well. Hell, Kate only got an 80.

Well done, Andre.
hah. dreamed? nice grammar. that's a pretty scary dream.

i dreamt last night that i walked all around a store and then saw a goldfish eating a beta fish.

it was so weird.
and it was a big fat goldfish. with popped-out eyes.

Dear Andre,

What the heck are you talking about?

This is my entry from 7/10, maybe that's what you know of me.

...that I carry bags under my eyes!
Dania be trying to diss my knowledge of her. Whatever, Dania.

I don't take people with puss pockets very seriously.
i've never heard of that one piercing you were talking about, i'll have to look it up. but i thought everyones ears looked like that way ? weird. haha
haha well, thats cool. :]
hah. yeah. i'm having one of those nights.

i wish my name could be made into something equally as spiffy cool upside down. gosh. that'd be far too spiffy cool. maybe that's why i can't.
hahahahaha, i'd be sooo scared that i would crash a car. i serisouly hateeeee backing up in a car, i never know which way the car is going to go. and why have you hard your permit for so long? by where i live, we only need it for 6 months and then we can go get our license.
good luck with the parallel parking, which you should start soon! :]
you make it sound so exciting..
i'm completely stoked now.

thanks a lot
Dearest Andie,

I was saddened and heart-broken that I did not warrant a "korex special" birthday entry. I don't know if I can go on. My life is over. Goodbye cruel world.

i wish we had the chance to take french in our school...we oly have german and lame
love ur pic at the top left :P it made me smile and ur diary pretty much rocks lol

heh yeah. i must say i took spanish
oh yes im in spanish 2
im so coo :P
or nott..:X
oh yes. that picture :D :P

its been along week

Yeah, I thought I had told you. But, apparently, I didn't.

For next year, it's January 14.
ryn: I don't see you on my front lawn. So you must've just left. Oh and I totally rocked the battle of the pus. It put up a fight, but I kicked it's ass.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I hope things are going well for you.

Take Care buddy....
when 'blemishes', as you like to call them, appear on the hairline you just need to massage a lil with your fingertips and shampoo. it should clear up.

if it doesnt, then eff you.
Haha... I didn't even realize that. I was just listening to "Under Pressure" by Queen and its talking about how you have to sit there and watch your friends slowly kill themselves and that got me thinking and then I was listening to the Smiths and that's really what started it all.
ummm, I didnt have teeth pulled .
Must be nice to be one of those skinny people who can't gain weight.


Just remember that you are a youngin' and someday you will have a beer gut or a spare tire or some flabby area that you don't like.

Or perhaps you will embrace it after being skinny for so long. I don't know.

Go eat a dozen donuts. Or a large pizza. I command it.
an emo kid?!
please tell me how you're going to do your hair, any eyeliner? you know..the works!
my knee knobs itch
When is your berfday?

Is it in November?

I'm puzzled.

Have a great day!

yeah the bolo tie guy was my date. in the couples picture i held the bolo tie string in my teeth. hahah
It was a take home exam and me, being an idiot, procrastinated and so i spent 7 hours working on and finishing it up in one night. I was just dumb like that! Haha!
Whoa! Cool doodle. Our exams aren't until the end of January, because we're freaky deaky lumberjacks up here.
is that reindeer poo in your hair?

It's 5:19 am EST and I just turned my head upside down to look at your doodle upside down.

Sometimes, I really wonder if you are only 15. As I have said before, it intrigues me.

I agree with Ash - you are just so clever.

P.S. Go wash the reindeer droppings out of your hair.
I know it's snow. I was being facetious.

I mean really, if that was reindeer poo, that would mean you pooed in your own hair, and only people with disgusting poo fetishes do that.

Use puffs plus with aloe & lotion. Then your nose won't be so red. teheehee
I read your comment on my friend, mrshowwithkyle's, page and couldn't agree more.

It's a disgrace to the great comedians who have worked their ass off to produce fine art while pieces of shit like Larry the Cable Guy get paid to stand up on a stage and look like a retarded redneck.
I am peeing on the hydrant.

Dania and I were talking about how wonderful you are earlier this evening.

So, Hi! You are wonderful!
in all fairness to the many good comics out there and the state of comedy in general, i think it's a sad indication on the state on GOD and the way he does things. But that's a totally different topic all to itself, and frankly i don't feel like damning myself today.
But I completely agree that LtCB needs to be stopped at any cost.
I saw his book in a book store today (imagine that) and it looks as fucking retarded as it sounds.
i so did NOT just tilt my head to look at your doodle thing in the middle of a school computer room. Of course not!
And as for the velcro cut you got, just let people believe what they want. I once got a pretty mean looking cut on my cheek/chin from the underwiring on my bra...was pretty embarrasing to explain to people, so i just refused to comment and let them think whatever. It was easier that way =)
lol. i love the nija and jet ski thing. sounds like the sort of story my friends and i would come up with =P
and yeah, go with the wolf thing, it sounds perfectly plausible!



it's okay andre.

andre and sandre and sondre forever.

sting ray is out, because he stopped returning my calls.
You know what?

click here
I love your word association, especially the English line. You are amazingly clever.

Have a great day.

maybe there will be some kind of cool sungalsses that will fit your head//face just right.
maybe you will get them for christmas too!
Will Santa be coming to your house?
If yes, I am most curious as to what you would leave for him. Because cookies would just be too boring.
Pennsylvania huh? I didn't think Santa went there.....

Well, obviously we were seperated at birth... the likeness is uncanny. I mean, even our grandparents are from the same area of PA. This might explain why I never spent x-mas with mine. They didn't want us to ever meet and find out about the family secret.

We will shall never let on that we know, okay? I will send you socks in an unmarked package.
Code Blue is a good example of code lingo. Code banana split will be the code for "let's eat some banana splits." And Code holy sh*t will be the code for "I think I just stepped in some Jesus' dog's feces.

We could come up with a secret handshake, but that might be hard to execute via sitD notes. So, for now that will remain a secret... even to us.

Code Goodnight
Over, and out.
You are probably approximately 35-30 miles from me riiiiiight now, and yet we remain seperated.

Code Keystone State, out.

psh, don't give up hope.
i'll buy you sunglasses for christmas.
the best looking ones ever. :]
I seeeeeeeeeeeee yoooou.
Indeed, I was in Connecticut. And yes, it is very braggable. Almost as braggable as living in that one town, "Fucking", in Sweden or some place like that. I just read about it a day or two ago. Made me laugh. Har har har.

However, nothing is quite as brag-worthy as your fancy little signature there.

Except maybe the fact that I did flip over my whole house to read it.
haha what happened on your new years eve?
do you have any new year resolutions?
i got whiplash but it was worth it.

well done
that is SO rad that andre thing. wholy.

you have too much time on your hands don't you?
that upside down palindrome thing is really impressive. youre eight years younger than me, and i reckon you would be hard to beat in a battle of smarts.

can i ask how one gets a velcro wound? anyway i hope your velcro wound has healed nicely. i had a wound on my back, it was from getting turned over in the surf.