I'm not religious, I'm school spiritual

Well, this past week was school spirit week, which was pretty excellent and at times hilarious. The Juniors ended up winning, followed by the seniors, the freshman ('08 bitches! '08!), and in last, the sophomores. Heh. On monday was color day, and the freshman had to wear white and decorate our forum with white stuff. Alas, during her free period, this girl made a huge sign that said "WHITE PRIDE!", unknowingly. Of course, we all thought, "Wow, you are so awful at life." We got 2nd at the sort-a-certain-color-of-skittles-with-your-mouth competition, also known as the competition with absolutely no bearing in the outside world ever. Tuesday was Under the Sea day, and I participated in the limbo contest and got 2nd to last, because I was 10" taller than the average competitor, as most grades just sent their shortest people, and I was stuck because only two other freshman guys wanted to do it, and we needed 3. Also, I thought it would be a good idea to kind of slam my face into the pole, but I realized a little too late that that would make me lose. We ended up winning, though, which was cool. But I honestly think that I should have gotten a 10" handicap. Wednesday was decade day, and we were the 60's. I made a sign that said, "MAKE WITTY CATCH PHRASES, NOT WAR!" I also did absolutely awful at the lunchtime trivia contest, but our team somehow beat the sophomores and the faculty. I was angry that I couldn't remember the name of the band who sang the first video played on mtv. I got the song (Video Killed the Radio Star), but man, The Buggles! The Buggles! I could only thing of "The Bugles" or "The Beagles". Maybe it's just because "The Buggles" is an awful, awful name for a band. I did, however, know Harry S Truman's middle name. And that's it. Thursday was Superhero day, in which cowman made a triumphant return, and because I'm the only one in my grade with both school spirit and leg muscles, I did the wall sit competition (1 guy per grade) and got third. (This time, the sophomore beat me.) Today, Friday, was musical genre day, and we got stiffed with Country. The juniors had rave/techno, so they turned their forum into a rave site, and there were raves in between classes. I would've gone to the all-school rave after school, but I would've had to stay after school for another hour and a half or so. So here I am, not raving. Yeah, so we got 3rd, which was one place higher than expected. I really only posted this to tell you guys about the WHITE PRIDE sign, but I figured it would be lame on its own. And, by the way, I think there should be a law that if, at the end of the joke, someone says, "GET IT? GET IT?", and then repeats the punch line, then you should be allowed to punch them in the face. Just because that's probably the worst idea ever. PS: By some bullshit counting, it turns out that we actually lost to the sophomores, even though we didn't, because somehow this "walkoff" thing at the end counted for over 250 points (we ended up with about 1,000 points). Yes, I must also share with you what happened the last day. The seniors chant "U S A! U S A!" whenever this one athletic kid does something (like at a basketball game), and he was in the walkoff, so the seniors chanted "U S A! U S A!", so the Juniors chanted "SCOREBOARD! SCOREBOARD!" (because they were winning), so then the seniors chanted "COLLEGE! COLLEGE!". Haha, it was excellent. It was chantastic.
Read 40 comments
Haha, In our quarters, you sit at a table and one person spins the quarter, and the other tries to stop the quarter by putting their finger and top. You try to keep it standing. If it falls down, the person who spun it flicks it at the other's knuckles as hard as they can.

To end the game, you can play two ways: First blood, or quitsies. I always go quitsies, because usually people start bleeding pretty fast.
You're awsome :)
16 February, 2005, 1:03 PM, Central Time.

Where did you vacation?

Pat came a grand total of five weeks early. They kept him in the hospital for six days to watch him and make sure he was all right and everything, and the doctor told us that he's perfectly normal except that he's small. So, all in all, I suppose it doesn't really much matter that he was early.

Cancun sounds nice. I bet it was relaxing.

Have a great day.

haha, back in 6th grade i used to chant "chanting is weird" because my friends & i thought it was sooo funny.

...it is, kinda..funny..

we had spirit week to except the freshmen came in last which sucked =x & the seniors came in 1st but it all went in class order which was weird. thought i`d comment. bye
white pride. haha everyone was probably wanting to slap her.
white pride. haha everyone was probably wanting to slap her.

yes people are quite gay with the annoymous comments. they think theyre tough but they don't leave theyre name. thanks for the comment
there is a famous seal named andre!!

Andre the Seal
bout two hours, but that includes breaks for chatting, smoke breaks, and potty breaks, so who knows, it was rather enjoyable though
No, not you, you're special.

And not that annoying.
Oh, and your antlers are so damn hip, sir.
yes I adore that boy and his music.
I'm back to this ooooneee.

Have you seen that commercial with the basketball player guy dribbling around a city and his clothes are gradually disappearing and then he stops and sees this kid at a computer and the kid clicks a mouse and the basketball player guy's shorts disappear? Yes? You kind of look like that kid, I've decided.

I suppose I don't know you, or have any idea who you are, but apparently you know Gretchen and Kimble, so you must be cool. This may be a ridiculously stupid question but what is a forum? Your school seems really cool, our school is lame. Our pep rallies are basically them talking about the awards then giving out academic stuff like "student of the quarter" and the band plays the school song and that's about it. -
Alright, this is ridiculous.

It's DEFINITELY updating time, Andre.

Good Lord.


I told you that kid sort of looks like you. I just saw that commercial about a second ago. I'm thinking of writing him fanmail.
thanks. it was a dream that was actually coherent enough to journal.
lol. that's hilarious. we did something like that at our school, only every time the freshmen showed school spirit, a senior would attack one of us, so ..yeah.
Blitzkrieg*. Yes, typos and I are BF4EVA.

And your tactics confuse me. You're sneaky, Andre.

So I guess you talked to Sam. I think he was high. I apologize.
omg i totally agree with the joke thing. i hate when people aks you if you get it. IF YOU DIDN'T THEN IT WASN'T FUNNY TO BEGIN WITH. gosh people are so dumb.
I second your law and wish to shower you with presents for it. Really.

Our school spirit week sucked, but I had an excuse to dress up as Superman, so who can ask for more?

haha we just had our winter dance and its always a girls vs guys theme so at the pep assembly, we sit on opposite sides of the gym and the guys will chant 'make our dinner' or 'do our laundry' and the girls chant back 'make our money'

it's all very funny.

and this was just a random comment. chantastic, yes...

ahaha hey don't be mean :(
it is a good thing you are not canadian, or i would be a little worried about an invasion from the north.

by the way, you're not canadian, are you? if so, please ignore the preceding statement. thanks.
siiiigh i suppose i can forgive you, but only because i like clicking "pee on the hydrant" because in that moment in time i feel like a semi-cool pound puppy.
awww no faiiiir, I want spirit week again. It sounds like a pretty fun week. Happy New Year. and Happy Valentine's Day.
Oh, don't you dare pull a snooty act on me.

I'm German, English, and Welsh. So...I'll have to pull a blitkrieg, then drink some tea, and then...I don't know, eat rabbit or something.

Except Welsh Rabbit is really just toast with cheese on it...

i'm peeing on the hydrant again. hot. it makes me feel like i've accomplished something.
We don't have spirit week, to my knowledge. We have spirit days spread throughout the year, which is kind of gay and lame... But in Junior High we has spirit week. Last year I won the Funniest Sound Contest for my house team. Afterwards I got ice chunks thrown at me by the guys who thought they should have won. Yup.

YOU HAVE SCHOOL RAVES!? where the hell do you go to school, god. We have gay ass formals that play crappy music!. [jealous] The right techno can be great...
highschool is like a decade of it's own. Or maybe a quartade. Or maybe a decade for someone who is 25 when they graduate.
man this entry actually made me miss high school, just a little bit.
thats how it is at my school. the sophmore class is the least spirited. the freshmen beat us at everything, and i dont think we even care.
hello, i read every entry you have in one night. i love your writing, lol so wonderful, kept me wonderfully entertained. just thot i'd share
keep up the wonderful work kutie, oh and yes i am a boy and called you kute. deal or tell me to stop haha
i'm not leaving completely. i'll still be around to comment (very much like this).

ahhh...i remember the good ol' school spirit weeks. when i was a senior, the student council got to choose which days were what. there was hippie day, i remember. and ethnic stereotype day. and of course crazy hair day. my school was lame.

woot for being tall.
School spiritual...that's great. I love the 'white pride' part.

Aaaaand, congratulations on not being last. :P

Have a great day.

wow you guys have such better spirit days then we do.
my school sucks.
haha I bet.
we have stupid things and the freshmen don't get to be included with activities because we suck and have our own building.