Gretchen's Birthday and capital punishment

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRETCHEN Yeah, so in other news, there's the death penalty. I've been trying to figure out my stand on the death penalty for a good few minutes now, and I've realized one crucial aspect: it involves killing the criminals. Since I have been playing violent video games and listening to offensive and degrading music lyrics, I am obviously corrupted and therefore will commit murder de facto. I am against the death penalty because I will in result get killed because of my obvious homicidal tendencies. I will now recreate the video games by going outside and violently stamping on all kinds of pads Now, the way the death penalty has panned out, I believe that states shouldn't change their opinions. Here in Michigan, if someone dies, it's a tragic thing. However, if you kill a Texan with capital punishment, and they turn out to be innocent, what have we really lost?
Read 55 comments
Weeelllll, I guess we can forgive you. Our exams aren't until January, so during the holidays I have to live with the unnerving fact that right as soon as we get back to school, exam-mode will take over.
reverse psychology. Maybe if it wasn't illegal than kids wouldn't do it i guess. I still would but thats not a good idea because they would move onto harder once my mom started letting me smoke cigarettes i moved on and after she was cool with mariuana i moved onto to other things. Thats when i was just trying to rebel or whatever you want to call it. In my anarchy idiotic stage.Well not nemore but the government can still kiss my ass
well you have a good idea, they should experiment.
damn you americans to hell. you and your chilli cheese fries but no friggen poutine... fuck my dream of Cali. :-P

my uncle had a heart attack. I wonder if it was from poutines. because poutines are a heart attack on a plate...

in closing...
i rock.
and once again, enjoy mexico
yeah, so, you're amazing. for a 14-year-old, at least. and that's saying something. from a non-14-year-old, that is.

remember the rhinestone underpants.


p.s. i'm totally not trying to convert you with subliminal messages on VH1 at 8:00 eastern time tonight. not as much as nick says i am, at least.
i've always seen you as a boot kind of guy. you boot-buyer, you.

and i really don't know myself. i just saw a comment that nick left that mentioned me and, naturally, i put my defenses up.
hey. sup?
will do
i resent that...for reasons you could never comprehend
I wasted most of last night reading your old entries. You're only half my age, and I look up to you. Not just solely for your entertainment value, either. So, yeah, thanks for occupying my time. That was pretty kickass of you, man.

Also, I'm starting a rap band. Can you play the ukelele?
finally, someone agrees with my opinions on this dance-dance revolution business. it IS murder. but never has murder been so fun to watch.
Yep, That's us Texans fer ya. I reckon
thought you might be interested to know that australia doesnt have the death penalty.

and your thoughts about replacing all forms of dancing with DDR sessions - - i am sure that japan will end up like that one day, when all the teenagers grow up and miss their DDR.

alternatively, we could replace all forms of exercise with DDR. i have a friend that used to do it for half an hour every day. god only knows if it worked.
You know what you should do, Andre? get into the holiday spirit by making another Christmas video like "Punt the Baby Jesus". Maybe it could have something to do with crafts you can make using all kinds of pads.
Just a thought, pulled out of the ass of
I wish I had a big big house with lots and lots of rooms so that I could have king sized beds and poofy chairs all over the place, with pillows and fluffy things. And shag carpet. Ah, man, that would be awesome.


update. It's been a month since you made a new entry today.

Merry Christmas bcuz i rock.
yay for your sister. yeah, kind of the same here. i go all-out on donato, but not on anyone else really. ah well.

how'd your egyptian pyramid movie script thing turn out? A+ right? since i helped? right? sweet.
Yeah, I remember hearing that, probably from the same guy. But it's true, man, people ask too many questions. Either that or we have too many choices to make.

Have a great day.

hahaha oh dude I love you.
AHHH! THAT IS SOOO COOL! I love the antlers. nice touch.
*Sigh*... damn. Well maybe you could, Like... Perform a punt-the-baby-jesus-deux and just tell us about it... Yayyyy.
Since I got a new computer and my mic will work on it, I'm going to write a festive x-mas song, and it's gonna kick ass. :-)
hahaha oh that's a funny one about the ducks.
Yes for bringing back the Reindeer Andre.

Happy Christmas.

Pff, no.
You're a funny guy.
Thank you for gracing us with your humor.

Fucking texans. . .

Merry christmas!
And if you're jewish ..
Happy Kwanzaa!
I hope you have a happy Christmas.

Haha at least you were playing a challenging game. I'm ashamed to admit the games in which I spent my entire day on were Kingdom Hearts, and Finding Nemo. Yes, on Finding Nemo I only got a about 4 or 5 levels in:Oo
OO! OO! You'll lose a presumably innocent Texan, and the beer companies will lose a percentage of their sales.

Alright, it's stereotypical of me to say that, but damn you! I don't live in an igloo, we DO have electricity, and most Canadian women do NOT have mustaches.
This coming from the highest French score in the state? Pershaawww.
I certainly have heard the stereotypes, many-a-time. I notice that some of my friends have an accent, it's hardly there, but I swear to Alla that I don't. I watch way too much American Television to have an accent.
Haha. Thank you Mr. Andre Sir, I'm quite honored.

And seriously, whatev about the death penalty...let's just kill all of Texas anyways. Yeeeehawwww.

I like Kyra's comments becuae her bananas dance to the beat of the song that was on the radio when I read them.

We should go to Camp Treehugger soon; I heard they have a discount for people who are extremely awesome.

So I can get a discount and you have to pay full price.

whoooaaaa $9 for a movie!??!?!...where do u live?...i live i upstate ny...
Because I didn't feel like it.
My sister had two :O

I had cereal instead.
Like I do many a day.
Rasin Bran to be exact.
Although cheerios are also good :)
Why, the porn revolution.

And by that I don't mean porn stars on a merry-go-round.

Wait. That sounds kind of nice. So maybe I do.

People actually live in Texas?

I have no idea who Gretchen is, but Happy Birthday, Gretchen. Way to get up there in age.
my nose bled pretty bad and my eye is all black and blue and red. a bunch of different colors hah but it turns out its not broken. it just looks like it is because of the swelling.

I was getting bored, and wanted to end it fast. Oh well it's cute anyway.
I agree that playing playstation is not a waste of a day, but since I played in the same level in the same fricken game all day I think I qualify as a true and complete waste:O/
Anyway, your punishment idea is interesting.... I'm sorry to hear you've corrupted your mind though, be on the lookout for that death penalty.
--Kick-arse diary
THANK YOU -gives you a cookie, having a little happy moment-
Well, technically we don't have TV, but when we get bored of lumberjacking and building igloo's we'll peek over the US/Canada border and look into your livingrooms. Just to, you know, be informed.
Sounds nice.
awesome site
LOLZ JUST JOKIN DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I didn't know that you read all of your kasjjnvjnek1089932598358#%jnvjke jabijillion comments.

but since you did.... you're going to mexico? holy crap... your money is worth like... soooooOOOoooOOOO much there. My mom went there a few years ago.

Have fun!

you may get picpocket-ed but you'll get a kickass tan! I wanna go to mexico. no fair. gimme money.
...what did you mean poutines?
nice diaty
i'm not stupid!! I know what a poutine is!!! It's a heart attack on a plate. duh.

anyways.... about the tan... you're skin is gunna get all gross and peely and like.. you're gunna be an alligator. haha!
not only do you make me laugh when you call Eurotrip, baseketball and Dodgeball a "great watch", but you put Lock Stock under serious movies? *sigh* you're right by saying you're only kind of a movie buff my friend, there are some good movies on your lists, but you have much more to learn. got it
poutines are kinda gross. I can't believe you people havent heard of poutines... dont you go to like... places with fries, cheese and gravy?

hmm... well... have fun in mexico. and you better put up some pics of it on your sd.

I wanna go :-(

I am GRETCHEN, after all.

The camp site is looking good, yo, fo' shizzle my giant nizzle.

Carnies. Left handed people. Greenlanders. Pimps. Not ho's, though. Republicans. Canadians. Katie. Other crazy outies.

They're out there, man, the outies are out there.

So be careful. They might try to convert you. Watch your belly.