hahaha. good stuff. .luci. [charmedone132989]
Wow. That's sure to make someone's Christmas merry...
i sense anger...
you know...you are taking a while to update again...


lol fabulous pic! and yea he or she is a loser who doesnt know what they are talking about and was just trying to sound smart... lol GREAT PIC IN THE CORNER TOO! lol merrry x-mas
nice finger..wanna f::ck me w/ it?
heheh nice
you make me laff
I know... I'm such a little detective.

Or pedophile.

They both fit.
I see that you're online.

You better be writing a new entry.

damn right.

well, then. I guess I'm a comment whore.

Weeeoooeoeoeo! :-O

congratulations! You've just won "lets all hug kyra"! The grand prize is the satisfaction that you gave kyra a hug! WOW! :-O


The majority are comments from myself.
Comment whore, my ass.
YOU'RE the comment whore, Mr. Popularity.
your hand is sexy.


cute journal

im guessing your like me and are a computer geek.. sure

oh well i like your journal, just thought i'd say hi..

happy holidays
haha... Merry Christmas to u too! haha... thats great!
i don't know who kyra is but I bet she's pissed I like it . cool indeed.
On your top loeft pic you look white . It could be me but meh .
Thy comment hath been deleted...eth.

That's a very merry picture there. Mhm mhm mhm. Yep.

Out: Gretchen
yeah, it is pretty retarded.


Hey Buddy old pal
Its Ali
Kyras Here
she told me to check your diary!
and you CRAAAAAZA!
ahahha That was awesome
what? no special entries for Kate?

awww, thanks, I feel loved.

Now can we have a REAL update?

nyeahaha, just kidding.

but seriously... hahahaha, that was the greatest christmas gift ever.
haha, cute pic ^.^