
. . . it is now 6:25 and i just woke up. i woke up this morning and on my way out the door my dad freaks out because i look all flushed. i tell him im fone and im on my merry way. im halfway to the littiluns school and i seriously feel like shit. so i do my thing at the achool, come home, and go to bed. and here i be right nizzow. missed math class (o darn) and called off work (damnit). my brother hit the page button on the cordless, which happened to be in my room...i walked out and was like "I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU." hahahaha...arent i o so pleasant when i get woke up? i guess tonys been lucky so far...he's pushed it a few times. happy 1 year me knowing tony today! thanks sitdiary!! w00t w00t ok............................................................ .................................................................. ................................................................... .........................................................bye.
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Oh man..the motivational speaker was actually pretty awesome. he was more of a comedian that brought our school together in laughter. I guess our teachers had enough of this clique they had to call this guy to straighten us up...i doubt we'll be "different" tomorrow...but who knows.

ps i'm actually starting to do better with the whole "sign in before you leave a comment" thing. haha

oh yeah..i hope you feel better too :)
thanks..and i get to see her play this weekend. happy one year????