long overdue

so i havent updated in a while...like...going on two months. no one else does either. Brian and I broke up, for the last time, we wont be seeing any more of him. What happened was, I had to take a pregnancy test last thursday, be cause I was late and my mom had a dream that i was pregnant. so it comes back negative and all, so i send him a text since he was still asleep, saying congrats, youre not a daddy, but we're going to start using protection + my birth control. and i get a text back that says id better find myself a new boyfriend. im sorry. i wont jepordize my future, my health, for a little bit of sex. that is the single most self centered thing i have ever heard. I told him that i t was ok if he was going to be a daddy, but theres no way in hell im going to be the momma. not with him. ever. then i get a text the next day saying that he didnt know we were broken up and he wanted his key back. i told him a. when you tell a girl to find a new boyfriend, thats a good clue that its over (not that i would just say, OK! i can get pregnant. no) and b. he never gave me a key, i took his key one morning or afternoon whenever he was sleeping and made my own copy. my $ = my key. i threw it away. i will not come second place to a bar anymore. i will not be used as a piece of ass anymore. i will not put myself out there anymore. i will not bend over backwards for anyone anymore. i will be someone, and he will not. i will make it, and he'll still be putting produce out at kroger. this is a huge blow to ym already nonexsistent self esteem. ive lost all faith. love does not exsist, or things like this wouldnt happen to people. i wouldnt constantly get hurt. nice comments would be nice...im not down, persay, just afraid. more on that later.
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It's good that you're standning up for yourself. If someone doesn't respect the fact that you are not ready for a child and is as immature as to say that to you, then they only deserve what's the worst for them. Kudos to you for being Ultra. :)
Well as I like to say to my self when life doesn't go my way, "You live and you hopefully will learn....hopefully." Don't lose sight of your dreams and just image the feeling of reaching those goals. And finally, Smile! Life can always get worse, so be happy with what you have.