
well. one year ago today. :) yesterday was a partially bad day. and a partially good day. i got into my first accident. i got my first ticket. it wasnt my fault. everyone is ok though. became so tense i couldnt move my shoulders and got a headache. had a really good time at Red White, & Boom. Even though there was an incredibly bad storm that barely missed us and it was so hot a humid we spent the day under umbreallas and i still got sunburned. my shoulders still ache. brians makinig me dinner before the fireworks tonight. we're drinking champagne afterwards. i juust need to get out of this mood. i think its because of my shoulders/head/sunbrun and ive been awake for only 2 hours and have already had a screaming match with my dad. on another note. i love how i slways take all the blame for falling outs with friends. i also love how it is always completely my fault when we lose touch. im so sorry i work full time and go to school full time when its in session and barely have time to keep up my social life let alone keep in touchj with people who obviously dont give a shit whether i talk to them or not, because if they did, id get an IM or two. i have admitted that i am partially guilty. but im sorry, i refuse to take all the blame anymore. im tired of people who i have called friends walking all over me. im also tired of people who think i want/need advice giving it to me when they havent been aroud, and/or havent heard the whole story. if i want advice, id ask. also, i basically pay my therapist $125 an hour to listen to me and my thought process to make sure that my thinking is clear in my own head. thank you for trying, but dont get upset when you give me advice, call me dumb, and i try to defend myself and get upset. that is all.
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thanx for your comment! :)

Wow, you haven't been on here for bit too. Hope you are doing good, later.