so an update

Listening to: rainbow- mariah carey
Feeling: melancholy
meh. i love that word. 3 letters, one syllable, describes my feelings perfectly. so ive seriously fucked up my foot. i can hardly walk on it. im going to the doctors for it eventually. what f i need surgery? what if i need to get it amputated?!?! KIDDING. hah. i made jordan promise he'd hold my hand if i had to have surgery. once again, KIDDING. im uber hungry. theres no food in this house and i just said uber. good god. classes are going well so far. my phl prof. reminds me of stewart from madtv and he talkssofastallhiswordsruntogetherandyoucanbarelyunderstandhim. my humanities prof. is kinda cool. i just cant stop looking at her teeth. shes got porcelin veneers (i know, spelled wrong) and theyre really bright. english will actually be a challenge for me this semester. lots of homework. shes really skinny. oh but wow she said the funniest thing today. shes the kind of english teacher who uses big words, and we were talking about plagarizing. she was like: "..and one of the students in question replied quickly with, and i quote, class, *ahem* 'I'm going to beat down that bitch ass girl.'" funny stuff. peace out homies.
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:( i feel so stupid though. i keep forgetting to take it. i will take it at some point this week. i will i will. i'm ridiculous, haha.