Catching up

ok, so ive got ten minutes to write in here before i have to get ready and go to here goes... a week ago, my dad found out about B...he now knows where ive been when i said i was at Corts, he knows how old B is, and through some miracle, he wasnt angry. Kroger didnt go on strike, but i dont care, i was still on my paid vacation this past week. ive decided i dont know what i would do with myself if i didnt have a job. last week was so damn boring. Saturday was my pretty much sucked. my dad got me a $25 gas card to a gas station i dont go thoughtful. then he takes my little brother out and spends $200 on new carhart crap for him. on my birthday. i sat around the house until 7pm, cortney was the only friend from high school to call me...i dont think she knows how much i appretiated her calling me. i went out to the movies with my mom, saw yours, mine, and ours. it was okay. the oldest son was a hottie. then i went over to B's and he made me dinner and i wont go into details about after. after how many months, i finally put all my pictures into albums. 5 years worth. took me all day, but it was nice. i was by myself most of the day, and watched a few movies. am i antisocial if i truly enjoy being alone at times? so my vacation is now completely over, im dreading work, but want the schedule back. i feel like a walking contradiction. oh well...the story of my life :)
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I just read your whole diary. Wow.

Take care,