i never told you but it's all in your good-byes ¢¾

it's good, perfect, amazing, everything i want. too bad time isn't on my side :[ who knows though. i just can't imagine what it's going to be like next year, i don't want to know. i'm not ready to deal with permanent loss, i never was & never will be. i want to go whale watching before i die. don't slow down & don't let go hold me close now, lest i fall they say i don't know how to love the right way but you make me feel, you make me feel like i do you could take everything i have just don't leave my side COPELAND
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the value of luxury goods
sales worldwide - high fashion
clothing, top-of-the-line
autos... - exceeds the gross
national products of two-thirds
of the world's countries
omg where did you get your background? i love it x ♥
cute background, i like how it fades.. :)
well its really pretty =)
and good job