
i tried a dress on today, and i actually liked it. i'm going to save up my money and buy it. or maybe i'll just buy it and then hopefully i'll definately get the job at b&b. i'm dying my hair darker brown this weekend! i hate this dirty blond blahish color. i look better darker anyway. i talked to that boy today. weirdish? i think i am one of the few girls, if any, who has the guts to walk up to a guy she likes and introduce herself. without being drunk. i have better intentions and more class than that. no one has a prom date, almost. i have absolutely no idea who i'm going with. our bids are $68 which is fucking ridiculous, but it's senior prom. and i am going to get the most amazing dress in the world. i'm going to run on the boardwalk tomorrow i think.
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i miss you so much. i havent been on lately, i know. i have been getting wayy tired. but i dont have work tomorrow or friday, so were for sure talking then. < 3 i cant wait! how are you? things sound good, in a way. but i want DETAILS. YAY for talking to that boy! how was it? TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT JENNIFER GREENHALL! and senior prom, YAY. what dress is it? you should take a picture :) i hope you get that job, that would be exciting. i cant wait
till summer. do you know whats happening? oh yeah, my mom wanted me to tell ask your mom how long i was staying out there for. but my mom says "tell jenn not to tell her mom that i asked that. just tell her to go up to her mom and talk to her about it and say how long is elisha going to be down here for?" lol. my mom gets her paycheck soon, and when she does she says she is buying the plane tickets but she doesn't know if im staying for 7
days or 10. your mom said i should stay for 10 days, but then she changed her mind. so my mom doesnt know. but she would like to know, but dont tell your mom my mom wants to know. lol that was confusing kinda. and i know you have more class than being drunk, were better than that and i love it. GUESS WHAT PICTURE i found today? GLOVE LOVERS! it was SWEETTTT. i put it in my car, its amazing. i love it and you and thats why i cant get enough
of you! and your dying your hair!? how exciting! i did that once, but my mom didnt like me doing that because seh loves my hair too much, lol. and plus im too scared to do that. but i neeeeeddd to cut my hair badly because like five inches of it is just dead from straightening it and such. :( poooopp. i dont want to cut it i want to show you how long it is in person and then cut it. :) you could cut it for me, lol. OMG, did i tell you i got robb
to get a tamagotchi too? and ours can talk to eachother and were trying to make them lovers! lol. my tamagotchis kept dying so i kept making new ones. and i finally have one that hasn't died yet. but i keep pausing it, maybe thats why. i was like im going to name my tamagotchi jenn. and robb was like well then it definitly wont die. hahah :) uggghhh my bacckk has been killing me. i havent been to my chiropractor in a while and thats bad :( i wish
i never got into a car accident. and oh my goodness, i read your long comments to me awhile ago but i cant rememebr what they said. and i have a headache rigt now, my hands are so tired from typing all this to you and im sleepy. PLUS SCOTT IS UPDATING SITDIARY! duid you notice?! it made me so happy :) alright, well ill talk to you tomiorrow cutieeee paaa tootie! i love you and miss you wayy to much. < 3333333 have a fabulousishly delicious day!
p.s. i bet when you go on your sitdiary and you see 6 comments your going to be like SIX?! WHATTT. WOW FROM WHOOOOO!? hahahha :)