Rat Arsed

WEll last night i got ratarsed... so rat arsed, everyone seemed to think they needed to take care of me, so they sat me down, fed me food, and made me drink water, and made me talk about things...stuff i usually wouldnt say to them... i guess booze really does loosen the tongue, not efficiently though. i mean sure, i was loquacious... logorhea or watever.... but not a lot was truth, just semi-truths, i kept missing the point,i would try and say stuff to the point, and i was always a yard off... gah... thats twice in my life... although i guess this time was the first time where only alcohol was invovled... freakin absinthe... that did the same thing to me... but then i was more happier than i am now... and it was fun being totally oblivious to everything... i think i felt up everyone there... i think i licked about five boys, and two girls... and i dont recall how much smack i talked... probably three hours worth... but oh well, atleast i had a good time, and i didnt get a hang over so i could orienteer properly, and Daniel only bet me by three mins... which is pretty good, considering the state i was in this morning. pH34r my uber non-hangover skillz... im so much l33t3r than j00! anyway im gonna go mow the lawn afore me mam gets home and keels me for not having dones it. The teacher stands in front of a class, with a lesson plan he can't recall, The Students eyes dont percieve the lies bouncing of every fucking wall.
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