bliddle bladdle

ing tong ing tong ing tong piddle eye po! welllllllllllllllllll not going to sweden next year. so. now i dont want to work to hard over summer. i will work just not hard. i want to walk all over the south island. i was playing on maps and have a route thats gonna be the top half and its gonna be fuuuuun. maybe someone will come with me... not to bothered. umm umm umm umm still got snotty nose why!! its been like 4 maybe5 months... coinciding with massive beard. perhaps my beard is sucking my anti snotty nose abilities. ah HAH! im on to you! anyway i say its time to walk away its time start again to be there an then instead of here an now im gonna cook chow chow bahahaha king tut is a little kitty hes jumping off my chest of drawers hes following sammy hes meoooooowing FEEED ME FEEEED ME hes smart and dumb. PARADOX! maybe peut-etre la theatre anyway im gonna do some work actually im gonna watch 9 songs cos it just finished dl'ing i've heard its pretty much pr0n. i dont care. luck be a lady tonight luck be a lady tonight luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with luck be a lady tonight is that even the words i cant remember 2005 was a while ago nunigh simon diary
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