Some say that its

Suspicious and stalking Like a silent serpent Slithering and sneaking Like a stealthy snoop Secrets and silhouettes Against skyline and skyscraper Sunsets and sunrise All upon sandy shores So selfishly the stranger She strangles the sleuth And slips of with the snake Silence now surrounds and sublimes
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you're awesome with that amazing alliteration. how are you doing these days?
you know now that i think of it, it's kind of strange. When I get angry sometimes I think of all the words beginning with "s" that I can. i write them on the back of receipts and straw wrappers or whatever i can find. the calming effect is...well...i don't feel so angry while i'm doing it (but just wait until i stop). I feel a weird connection to alliteration. but i'm a psycho. life goes on. how'd your recent orienteering thingy go