dunno really

Im feeling icky. I feel blocked. Like my whole body is blocked up. Possibly because I awoke moments ago. I was startled awake from a fantastic dream. Lately my dreams have been fantastic. Thrilling, entertaining, wild. A whole lot of experimenting and old friends. Dreams are bad. Dreams are good. Perhaps they are more of a middle ground. They allow you to do things in reality that may scare you, or that would be too exciting. Sort of the extremes of reality never occur. You wake up before you die, you wake up before you orgasm, you wake up when things aren’t right. Being the master of ones dreams would be a powerful yet scary thing. Escaping to an alternate reality that is so very real. The safe thing about dreams is that its personal, you can only interact with yourself. If others come into your dream, its because you thought them there, because somewhere deep down something needed to happen between the two of you. and i guess your perception of them comes out... ha whatevs Yeah.
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