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Why sopointless? Well, a while ago I realized how pointless my existence really is. Of course, I’m not the only one who has a pointless existence. People who can’t even worm their way through school, walk through life without a whim to do what? Nothing. Well that’s exactly what I’m doing. I have no life. I eat to keep me alive; I sleep to keep my body happy, that’s about it. I’m lazy; I sit around all day and do absolutely nothing. This is my existence. But it doesn’t matter. My parents are still always on my ass and there are still people over in Ethiopia starving, and frankly that’s not going to change anytime soon. No I don’t preach my ‘problems’ to people. What’s the point? What are they going to do about it? I have some really good friends that will always be there for me, thick and thin yaknow. But talking to them and telling my problems to people isn’t going to change it. You could say I bottle things up inside. But I don’t really, bottling things up would mean I was ignoring it or refusing to feel the emotion. But I’m not; I feel anger, pain, happiness, betrayal, satisfaction and a basic want. I could be living in a fucking mansion and I would feel the same. So I’ll keep living this life, go through school barely scraping by, go to some college or university and then get some job that I really don’t want to do. Date some ugly ass fucker and have sex with him until we get married. At that point I will have 2.5 kids, start dyeing my hair normal colours, wear stuff O’Coin does and wonder if I look fat in these pair of pants. My life has already been foreseen, it’s boring and not important. But then again, whose life is?
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