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Oh. My. God. Did I say things seemed to be calming down? I was wrong. Wrong. Cassie's house was on fire last night. A major fire, 120,000 to 130,000 dollars in damage. Thats in CANADIAN. Can you believe it? We're just thankful that no one was hurt. They don't deserve this, she doesn't deserve this. -- -- Your heritage: Canadian? Caucasian. -- The shoes you wore yesterday: Blue NSS ones -- Your hair: black -- Your fears: Losing someone I love, dieing an unresolved death -- Your perfect pizza: Green olives, extra cheese. -- One thing you'd like to achieve: Japan, just wanna go there, seek out cute Japanese boys in short shorts. // series three - what is ( where was number 2??) ... (agrees with Leanna.) -- Your most overused phrase on aim: Have'nt used AIM in a while, MSN... probably bah or eee -- Your thoughts first waking up: Die school die. -- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: looks. (how shallow) -- Your best physical feature: I like my lips and my nose... -- Your bedtime: Usually late because I'm an insomniac. -- Your greatest accomplishment: Beluga. // series four - you prefer -- Pepsi or Coke: Don't matter. -- McDonald's or Burger King: Mcdonalds. -- Single or group dates: Dates suck. -- Adidas or Nike: Neither. -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Don't matter. -- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. -- Cappuccino or coffee: Don't matter. -- Boxers or briefs: ...Don't matter? // series five - do you -- Smoke: No. -- Sing well: No. -- Take a shower everyday: Yes. -- Do you think you've been in love: No. -- Want to go to college: Yes. -- Liked high school: Yes. -- Want to get married: ...Eh. -- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yes. -- Believe in yourself: ...Eh. -- Get motion sickness: No. -- Think you're a health freak: No. -- Get along with your parent(s): Yes. For the most part. -- Like thunderstorms: No. -- Play an instrument: No? // series six - in the past month, did/have you -- Drank alcohol: No. -- Done a drug: No. -- Made Out: No. (Abstinance!) -- Gone to the mall?: Yes. -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No. -- Eaten sushi: I wish. -- Been on stage: Yes. -- Been dumped: No. -- Gone skating: Yes. -- Made homemade cookies: No. -- Been in love: Thats stupid, no. -- Gone skinny dipping: It's December...?-- Dyed your hair: No, I need to soon though. -- Stolen anything: No? // series seven - have you ever -- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes, but I backed out. -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes. -- Been caught "doing something": No? -- Been called a tease: No. But he was thinking it. -- Got beaten up: Yes. -- Changed who you were to fit in?: No. // series eight - the future -- Age you hoping to be married: Meh. -- Numbers and Names of Children: Probably something Japanese and no more then 3. -- Describe your Dream Wedding: Meh. -- How do you want to die: Resolved. Knowing. -- Where you want to go to college: ...Japan -- What do you want to be when you grow up: Coroner. -- What country would you most like to visit: Do you have to ask? Japan. // series nine - opposite sex -- Best eye color?: Blue. -- Best hair color?: Black, or bleached blond. -- Short or long hair?: Meh. -- Best height: Not alot taller then me. -- Best weight: As long as he'she isn't fat. -- Best articles of clothing: Meh. -- Best first date location: Japan? -- Best first kiss location: Somewhere peaceful. // series ten - number of -- Number of boys/girls I have kissed: 5. -- Number of boy/girlfriends I have had: 4. -- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1. -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 6. -- Number of CDs that I own: ...10? -- Number of foreign countries I have visited: None. -- Number of states I have visited: I went through like.. 4. -- Number of piercings: Ears. -- Number of scars on my body: Tons. -- Number of things you regret: Cassie, not being there for her, or helping her out.
Read 2 comments
:O!! u used my answers for 2 of the questions! omg 120,000- 130,000 is a lot of damage
...THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY. My condolances for your friend. :(