[:: 22 ::]

Well, another day, another boring day. Have I already used that line before? Oh well. So Leanna came over last night around 7, we went swimming for about an hour and a half. Tes was supposed to bring over her tent for 7:10, she got here around 8:30. Typical Tes, I love her anyway :P. So, we set up the tent, got everything out (we stashed the booze in my make-up case :|) and then Tes caught the 9 bus, after me and Leanna walked her to the bus stop like gentlewomen. Me and Leanna came back home, started watching 'Finding Nemo' but stopped it after the 'Shark-bait whoo ha ha' Part. We just goofed off in the tent untill around 12 and then we decided to get some sleep after telling Leanna to shut up (she was singing). I ended up waking up around 3:30 to hear some weird ass noises. The deck creaking and what sounded like grass being stepped on. So after hyper-ventilating and waking Leanna up we went back inside and got settled in my room. I woke up at 11 and Leanna a little later and then she left. I got on the computer and now I'm here? Quote of the day: "Come on my knee"
Read 2 comments
i didnt "wake" up soon after 11... you WOKE ME UP soon after 11!
im taking a guess on what your entry list names mean... numbers in like.. japanese or something?