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I'm sitting here, thinking of what I should write. Of course, theres alot of things I just want to spill to the world but really, I don't feel like putting them into something as tangable as words. I think way too much. Or maybe I don't. I don't think real thoughts. You know those types of people who actually have a voice inside their head that reads out everything they're thinking. I don't have that. Well, maybe I do, but it's really faint. I can barely hear it. Is it my conscience? If it is, my conscience must be really small, but that wouldn't make sense either, because I feel guilt for alot of things. My myriad of emotions only extends so far, however. In Philosophy class we spent a day trying to figure out and discussing what the conscience was/is. I said it was your sense of guilt and reasonable thinking. We also pondered if people, the human race, as a whole, was particularly good or particularly evil. I said they were more evil then good. But that's just me. Anyways. I don't know the point of this entry, or what it was supposed to give you, the viewer, or even me, who's the one writing all this junk. I guess some people automatically stop thinking about certain [philosophical] things when they leave the [philosophy] classroom but our discussions there often come back to me. I find myself asking my mom what she thinks. This of course, garners a big arguement because my views are much more different then hers. It's kind of amusing. I remember a year or two ago when we were watching a show on abortions. Or something of the like. I asked her what she thought of it. She said it was like murder, that it shouldn't be done. I disagreed. That caused a big arguement as well. Anyways, I think I'm done. I guess I've finally delivered my in-depth entry. But it isn't very in-depth. Oh well.
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abortion = murder
humans = mostly evil
You don't have a voice that reads your thoughts out?!
Heh, I've got a voice like that...I think it's more advanecd than most other people's voice.
We get in arguments all the time.
"No, I wasn't really thinking that."
"Yes you were."
"I'm just going to stop thinking now."
"Just you try it. If you do, and I come back, I'll convince you that Britney Spears is hot."