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so. another day of school has gone by. today me and leanna got a ride to school. yayyy ride. no walky for mee-y. uhm yah, then we went up to our lockers and i got my stuff and sat and shit. then behm came so it was cling-fest 2004. then... i went to spanish and we did... spanish. then... i handed in my spanish project that i did half-assed yesterday afternoon. next: english... welll.... that was a shit class. i'm beginning to hate mr. jackson. it's like he has something against me. there is like 5 minutes left of class and he's like "do you have all your work done?" "no." "get it out and work on it." "theres only 5 minutes of class." "so? get it out." "fine" (huff, glare) so yah thats it... stupid bastard. he offends me all the time, by just being him... next up on the roll... ...lunch... uhg, you know your a loser when... i'm hanging out in the library and reading. god i'm just such a tool...usually i'm there with cavell but she decided not to come to school today. i've never felt more alone in my life. then i had drama. not much to say there. we had a sub and we watched the rest of TLOEM. wow. take that. we should finish finish it tommorrow. next, history. were doing this thing on the computer that has to do with WWI. yah. kinda stupid but whatever. me, laura and monica just goofed off. i was done after laura. the class started it on thursday. i wasn't there that day so i had friday's class and mondays and i think he was going to give me time tommorrow but i got it done. monica, who was there all 3 periods wasn't done before me. this was surprising since mine was better then hers... anyway... then i came home and stuffed myself with cheese cake and ice cream which i shall work off at hockey tonight... yay?
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yum. ice-cream.
Yay! I love cheesecake! ^^