[:: 76 ::]

well. today was hilarious. we start off with... espanol. por que? because i said so bitch. anyway. the sub (we had a sub) was a tool. he's like 'you can't ask questions. sit down sit. down. sit down.' so whatever. he's taking attendance ("ATN?" "here." "ATN?? ATN ... Boujo? Booo..ho?") anyway. so he goes "Crystal?" "here." and i'm next. i'm sitting sidways so i can get up easy so he goes "Amanda?" and all you hear is "PRESENT SIR!" and i give him a salut. it was priceless. prrrriiicceeelesss. hilarious too. then we have an OSSLT assembly and we're the first ones in and crstal decides she's going to slide over the caf. tables and one ends up collapsing. once again hilarious. hahaha. anyway... i'm done. what a funny day...
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