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I have decided to close my diary. It's just not me anymore. My life has been moving to new places and I don't think this is where I should vent. So from now on, this diary is closed. I may choose to open it up again one day. but for now, this is where it ends. OMG! APRIL FOOLS! Hahaha, I would die without my diary to vent to, and tell all my shit and not get feedback. Why would I close it? That was fun. Today is, yes, April fools. It is also a Friday. I am writing this at 10:22 am, and should be in Science class. But no, I am at home, on the computer, vegging out. Just as good. I have skipped class today for the almighty hockey tournament. What a horrible excuse. It seems like these days are just going by so fast, but on the other hand, they seem soooo slow. Two weeks ago I had March Break, the entire week (and then some). After that I had Easter weekend (yes! candeh!) so it was going to be a 4 day week. Now, it is reduced to a 3 day week because I have taken Friday off. Then, I am leaving for New York on Thursday, next week. Only two school days left! I am quite excited/scared/hesitant. Excited because it's NEW YORK and I cannot wait to go there. Scared because I do not wish to GET BLOWN UP by a nuclear bomb. The Chrysalids has changed me forever. And hesitant because I'LL BE STAYING WITH NICOLE and last time, on the Chicago trip I got just, fed up with her. My tolerance of her was just-- gone. Of course, she didn't clue in and back off so I was stuck with her. And Krista and Kirstin refused to budge. Anyways... Oh. I finished that book. You know, that one. Something--! Oh, Flames of the Tiger. It was okay. Not really my cup of tea. I just wanted to get it over with, and now it is done. Yesterday, I took out James Clavells Shogun. Yesss, Japanese samurai swords! (coughkatanacough) Nooo, like 8369396 pages! I cannot read long books. My attention span just goes fwoop and it's gone! Wahhh. I shall tell you how I am doing, after. EDIT Okay, I went and played hockey. Hahaha, okay. My dad is gone for the weekend, he went to London for a hockey tourny as well. So I have no ride to the ice rink. Therefore, I get a ride with Amanda Carry. She's cool. Anyways~s. She forgot her hockey equipment in her dads truck, which he drove to work. He works in Toronto. So, at 12 (keep in mind, my game is at 1:15, we're supposed to be there 45 minutes early.) we set out for Toronto and make it there and back by 1:20. By the time we're dressed and out, it's the beginning of the second period. Oh yeah, Sam, our golie, is gone on another hockey tourny, so we have one of our(good) players in net. So now we are short one good player. We end up losing 5-3. It was unfair, we are a houseleague team, they have rep players. Afterwards we went out and ate McDonalds. Mmmm. Okay, for your guys information, Shogun is 1210 pages long. No joke. 1210. Ahhhggg... I'm on page 17. I just finished watching Saiyuki - Requiem and it was really good! A mix of action and comedy (how could it not be comedy? Hello, have four boys with sexual tension up to my forehead and it's going to be funny!) and some angst in there too. There were parts that just cracked me up so hard. Like when Hakkai was like "I'm betting whoever's behind that door is quite the charmer." and it cuts to Dango (?) real quick and he goes "Bingo bingo!" and then it's off to Sanzo. I just couldn't stop laughing. The villian was a nutcase. Like really, n-u-t-c-a-s-e. But cute, in human-ee form. N-U-T-C-A-S-E. Hehehe. Anyways, thats all. TIDE
Read 4 comments
Woah, you changed your comment text.

You won't get nuked in New York, don't worry. =P

I didn't "copped" out on nothin' yo.
You went to Toronto and didn't come visit me?! =O
bah, april fools sucks
i think amanda needs to update