[:: 14 ::]

I actually wrote this entry earlier but the server was down so: Wow problems with the server or what? The site is down a lot hmm? Oh well. Earlier today I watch Kill Bill for like the 400th time and then these weird bible-selling people came to the door. They were all like ‘Families last forever” and I was like ‘Yah, forever my ass!” but I didn’t say anything. Today is my mom’s birthday. As well as Andy’s *cries and weeps* ... but anyway. I’m still being lazy and in my pj’s but then again, it’s not like anyone actually does anything during the summer. I think I might right later on. I had some ideas for poems last night while in bed but I was too lazy to get up and write them down. Oh well. I need a shower, I probably smell rank. Meh. Happy birthday oh bitchy one. And happy birthday of incredibly hot and sexy one that I have never nor will ever speak or interact with. I love you. *cries and weeps* --Yes, well... anyway. I finished up the side bar -> you likeee? Hehe. I copied Teslin mwahha. Although it's slightly differnt. Different language... can anyone guess? No, I don't speak it fluently but I sooo wish I did. Hope I didn't make any mistakes... :P
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