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I had the freakin weirdest dream ever. My parents and I were watching some movie and I kept pressing my hand against my right eye and when the movie was over I went upstairs to the bathroom and washed my face but when i looked down my eyeball fell out! I grabbed it and went downstairs and gave it my dad. He said it would be easy to fix and tried to, literally, throw it back in. He kept missing though, and every time he missed he would put it in some water because it had been on the floor. To clean it off. But then I saw that every time he put it in the water it would shrink. Like a powder candy you know? It was creepy. Then he almost got it in one time but it didn't quite go into because my eyeball was now a squre-ish shape. I was afraid that he would put it in just to fall out again. My eye kept squinting and I went up to my room and looked in the mirror and it was just creepy. Thats my weird dream. Hope I don't have another one like it...
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