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Ok. Things just make me mad. In my last entry, yes I did say my 'life' isn't a life... because it isn't. But that doesn't mean I want/need one. Leanna thinks that partying is a chance to get a life. I don't. She knows how I feel about getting drunk and having parties and such. It's not my thing, no matter how loud or obnoxious I might be I'm not one for parties. This has all happened because Nikki is having her birthday party in December. I told her way back in October that if she had one I wouldn't be going. Even if there is no alcohol. I don't care. I've had a bad expirience with alcohol which kind of... made me less careless. I had alot of guilt from it and I felt like I had dissapointed my parents majorly with it. Music Change: Malice Mizer - Seraph We're supposed to be getting the money from my Grampa's house by the end of this week. This is good, we won't be welfare (for a time) anymore. I can only hope my parents (who think I am a spoiled child) will get one or two things that I've been wanting. This kind of angers me too. I'm not like Nikki, I don't have a cellphone and can get 100$ shoes or go on 200$ shopping sprees. Even Leanna gets a bit of lee-way with money. I want a job, so I can get money, earn it. My parents won't let me though. It's hard because only 1 parent drives so I'm practically rendered drive-less and it's winter and I would prefer not to walk. I'm not an ungrateful spoiled brat, but my parents think I am. I hate that.
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WTH!! dont bring me into it oh k!! oh wow big deal i have a cell phone ...that was a birthday present and i dont buy 100 dollar shoes either oh k! and as for the shopping spree, thats my christmas present instead of other things!! so dont go assuming things about me! and u dont c me goin on 500 dollar trips do u? no u dont so shut up for a change cuz im sick of u and all the shit u say!
i didnt say or intend that partying was a chance to get a life. i meant that you said u needed a life, and going to nikkis birthday party, would be going outside of your house on the weekend and having fun. thats all. ok.
and i definately dont think partying is a 'chance to get a life' god.
no, the one on the entry.

I'm poor too... lol
I know how you feel, for I also have no life. We should start a cult.

As for the friend thing...I know how you feel with that, too. I have a friend who says she's "poor" and can't pay for her guitar lessons (I actually can't...gr.) and yet, she goes on shopping sprees every other week whereas she knows perfectly well my wardrobe consists of five shirts and two pairs of pants. Blah.

Point of matter--I know how yeh feel. Blagh.