[:: 92.5 ::]

EEE. Today we had a halfday but it might as well have been a PA day because my history class was in the library the entire time. I came home and pigged out (as usual) and came online, but my computer crashed so that was sucky. I went upstairs then. Now I'm back on. Tomorrow is a Friday and I have another PA day which is good. Then I have Saturday and Sunday. Whee. Three and a half days off. Thats so cool. I'm going to the library on Saturday. So I'll have books again! This makes me happy too! I think I might want to do something this weekend... I'll have to talk to Leanna. ::EDIT!! (nyaha, that's right biznatch.):: Leanna is all 'lets go see the Tim Allen movie!' and I'm like 'where's it playing?' 'AMC.' I'm not paying 20 dollars to go see a movie there. So then she's like 'We could invite Nikki and Andrew!" but I still said no and she's like 'omg...fine' so whatever. I don't have money coming out mon pantaloones. People need to understand how freakin' poor I am. JA (finally. so HA.) (Music Change: L'arc en Ciel - Milky Way)
Read 6 comments
Happiness is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth
Thank you for commenting. ^_^ InuYasha is awesome, hai?

I like your background. Rawr.
Yes, they're all very bish. MIROKU IS MINE.

::Pause.:: Sorry for the outburst. :P
thanks for the comment. ya it does!
Pantaloones? Wow. Nice word.

Hai, you can have the other two, just don't touch my Houshi-sama! ::Pulls him away.::

"Mon pantaloones"? Is that French? I think it means "My pants", right? I dunno, I take Spanish...

And I know how ya feel, I'm rather poor myself. ::Sigh.:: Pity.