[:: 17 ::]

Well, I have no life. I decided to check up on the youbeenx site thingy, and I ended up seeing a link called heavenly orgasm and decided in my oh-so-smart way to click on it (just to see if it was porn) and it ended up being a site that tells you how to let males orgasm multiple times. Fun. I took my shower. I hope I smell good now. At least I don’t feel so custy anymore. I have yet to do those chores, or even start cleaning my room. Wait, I’m going to go check the mail! Bah, nothing important. It’s really nice out, beautiful day. Nice and warm. And I’m inside, huddled under a blanket and yawning. I can never get back to sleep whenever I wake up. Well, in the middle of the night I can, I hardly ever get an actual good nights sleep. Like without waking up at 3 or 4. I had sleeping problems when I was younger, and was on sleeping pills for a while. My mom always used to say that getting no sleep is better than waking up in the middle of the night and going back to bed. Well I do it on a nightly basis and I can never sleep in. I guess that’s why I’m so tired. When we had school, I used to go to bed at 9 just to get some extra hours and not wake up and go through the day continually letting my head drop. I don’t do that anymore, I go to bed around 12, wake up at 9. It’s not the healthiest but it’s better than nothing. I always ask my mom if she’ll pick me up some of those non-over the counter sleeping pills that you can find with the cough syrup but she always says ‘no you don’t need them’. She probably thinks I sleep like a log like she does. One of the other reasons I hate parents, she has never once listened to anything I say. It doesn’t really matter anymore. She phones me and goes ‘those games you rented last Wednesday have to go back by 10 am today! If there’s an overdue charge you’re paying for it!” yah ok, I’ll pay for it with your money, cuz that’s the only place I can get it. I ask her if I can get a job and she goes ‘no! You can’t get a job!” and then she has the fucking nerve to tell me that I can only get money if I earn it. Well, I want to get an actual job but you won’t fuckin let me! I hate her so much.
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