Differing the Interest

Feeling: reminiscent
It's been a long week. I had finals and all night study sessions and pots of coffee. Big fun. I just took my last final so Yipee!!! And found out that I can differ the interest on my loans until I graduate (and at this rate it will never happen)! I'm leaving my dorm room tomorrow and going home for a whole month. Yay. No more crappy ramen noodles or dorm mates that scream and laugh loudly well past 3 AM. Or a perpetual backache from sleeping on a hard-as-floor mattress. It snowed last night and today the ground is covered. I love it. Everytime I want snow it comes. I wanted snow on Thanksgiving and we got it and I wanted last weekend and we got it and I want it yesterday and voila! Now I just need to straighten my hair so I can wear a tobogan without looking ridiculous. :-) Anyway, I'll probably update tomorrow before I leave. Chow!
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VAL!!! bring some of your snow magic here please!!! it never snows here and if it does it barley covers the ground and its gone before you can get a good look at it...

its been good bad and everything in between, but boring? no, i dont believe in boring. :-)
yeah it was all the way bad and all the way good and plus some in between... but even bad is okay cause it could just be nothing and that would suck...

please please please do a snow dance for me!!! i want snow on christmas dammit!
aww. how are you? haven.t heard from you in a while. sorry i.m so flaky. i.m just all over the place. mentally and litterally.
a mess.
and a traveler.
graduating high school in about a month or so.
have a job.
had a bf. lost him. over it.
sore all over my body... in and out of el doctors with new test results almost daily. i.m a wreck.
that was me. sorry.
FYI, you can only differ school loans for six years of undergrad work. So they told me, anyway. It's cheaper to pay them off at $50 a month anyway. I didn't read this whole entry yet, I just wanted to comment on that before I forgot. Okay, back to work.
Oh, and you asked me waht I was doing for Christmas and I'm not planning on doing much. My parents are somewhere in Europe, I think, and my little brother is in Baghdad for the Iraqi elections and my older brother is spending his year with his fiancee's family in Florida, so I think I'm scooping out potatoes this year at the Boys & Girls Club X-mas dinner for the homeless, etc. And really, that's all I need, and all I'm planning.
Update now! I command it. :D