Look Out, Here I Come

Listening to: Weezer
Feeling: saucy
I'm off to spend nine fun-filled days in the grand ole Myrtle Beach Resort. Tomorrow will be filled with packing, driving four hours out of our way to go to a quick funeral (my uncle's dad died), and then leaving for the beach. Yipee! So nine days from now I will be tanner (sunburned), relaxed (braindead), and in a good mood (hyped up on caffiene). See you guys soon!
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Wow - Myrtle Beach is supposed to be awesome for surfing... take care in the sea and watch for sharks!

Hey - they caught your BTK killer, I saw on Yahoo news. But you probably knew that, having somewhat more of a vested interest thatn me...

have fun
i just heard about that a couple of minutes ago and kind of refuse to turn the news on until i get bored and feel like being afraid, then i will.
and ill probably feel all sick and mull over the state of the world and ill have a plan to fix everything and be so happy but then i will realize that no one will really listen to my plan and then ill get all depressed and beligerent.
danm terrorists! they can really ruin a day.