
Feeling: intellectual
It snowed all day long. A blizzard. Beautiful. I fell on my way to class today. Not fun but funny. I talked to my sister today about health and how to live right and I really got inspired to quit treating my body like crap. As of today I quit the grease, the fat, the caffiene, and the sweets. It's ridiculous to think you'll live forever on junk. At least when you eat right and exercise you have a chance. :-)
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Aaw...there you are.

going healthy are we? good deal. one can never go wrong with dissing junk food - well that's what i hear anyways. i'm not sure if i'd ever be able to give up reeses or cheetos.

my favorite blizzards are the ones that make everything else disappear - i like it white.

now i have to catch up on you - make sure you're not going to wild.

its good you recognise the situation. because one day you will wake up and it will be ten years later, and with that ten years includes ten years of damage done to the body.
You so deserve to get fucked up. It would be an amazing time. I promise. But I'm not going to make you feel like I'm pressuring you. I love ya anways. :P
Thanks for Saturday. I actually really miss seein everyone. That was prolly the best b-day gift of all.
Do you know what 's goin on with lil Jimmy bob and bobby. Mom called yesterday and asked me if i told lil jimmy bob was takin him away from bobby? Why the fuck would i tell a 3 yr old that
Sorry, anonymous was me. But honestly. Why would I? I don't believe mom believes me. Wich i don't care if she does.

Oh I got a tattoo. Well shay and I both did. We got matching butterflies on the top of our necks. Amazingly it didn't hurt. lol...anyways. midterms are being handed out. talk to ya later. love ya jen