Thoughts Like Water In My Mind

Listening to: Ella - At Last
Feeling: torn
I'm sitting here staring at the computer screen, again. It's 2:12 am, why can't I sleep? I'm exhausted and sick and just all round horrible feeling. Tomorrow I need to get up early. I need to be fresh and in a good mood. This will not happen. Last night I was thinking that I should just give up this dream I have of being a writer and find something more practical to do. I'm not a very good writer and I haven't been inspried to do it much in the past couple years but I know that its flowing inside me. Anyway, I'd decided by the time I went to sleep (6 am) that I would change my major back to business and just finish as soon as I could. Then a couple hours later I woke up and my fingers were itching for the keyboard and thoughts were just flowing around inside my head like water to be poured out. And I sat there from 8 am to 3 pm and let it flow from me. When I finally dried up I was mentally dead and had to go to English. It was good being empty for once. Totally empty. It's the way you feel when you fast. It's not negative having your stomach empty, or your mind. I feel enlightened, like the cosmos are letting me in on some secret. Like anything can happen for me. And that maybe meeting "The One" (laugh at my hopelessly romantic and idiotic self) isn't as important as I thought it was. Everyday you meet new people. Everyday you learn something. Everday is different. What's good for me today might not work tomorrow so I better do it while I know how.
Read 7 comments
i update mostly on my livejournal at the moment. do you have one? if so you can add me if you want and ill add you, i only really update with the "friends only" option.
i dont update as much as i used to here because people are just stupid and i got sick of people so i prefer to be somewhere writing where there isnt a lot of people involved in reading it.
what else was i gonna say? oh yeah the juice thing, well i suppose that if you want to
have a juice fast and you do have a juice fast then there is such a thing as a juice fast... what are you waiting for? a book to come out and say its okay? someone to be on cnn talking about it? you dont have to wait, just do it yourself. ive had grass fasts and they exist because ive had them.
ha ha lets all worship the spork!
hm, whereabouts do you live ehh.
well said...

im glad you were able to flow...

it nice when that happens...

i love your last paragraph. I am thankful for your comment, i truely appreciate all the support i get. Just to let you know i updated so you can now read something new. Cherish your diary always, colin
i must add, i read Riding Emotions and your explenation of anxiety is phoenomenal. Comming from a guy who's suffered for years that's a compliment, no one truly understand how it cripples you're every minute until they experience it. just thought i'd add that