Playing Magic

Listening to: Faith in the Muse
Feeling: defiant
The weekend was fabulous except for my cold. Saturday we (my sis, her bf, and I) went to the mall, rented and watched Starsky and Hutch, played Magic, and then played Soul Calibur II until 7 the next morning. Big fun. I'm going to fast tomorrow to kick off a new phase in my life. No more eating junk, sitting on my ass, and feeling sorry for myself. I'm totally disgusted. More later... I'm looking forward to the fast. Purging my body of toxins and grease. Maybe I'll do it for two days or three. I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde. Like white blonde. It could either look idiotic or incredibly good. Feedback please. I can't wait till my b-day! I'm going to start my twenties out right. No more negativity. None. I'm through with that scene. At some point you just have to realize there is no reason to be upset all the time. It's your life. You control whether you are happy or not. It's simple like that. Today is my cousin Ruthie's b-day, the 24th is my cousin Jenn's and then mine is March 12th. There are a ton of Pisces in my family. My little brother is on the cusp. I love astrology.
Read 7 comments
blah my weekend totally sucked
well, she is just a controlling bitch and she cant stand that i did something without her knowing about it, that i got one over on her, thats how she feels i think, that shes been had and there is nothing she can do about it, it wasnt a legal thing so she cant have it undone, randy is seventeen so nothing illegal there, our preacher was a seventeen year old kid, so there is really nothing she can do and she hates that and takes it out on me and
anyone else within earshot.

im so so so so so sad about thompson.
its a tradgedy. im trying to think positively about it though so it wont be so sad, im trying to think that he was just done here and thats that.

ohh im proud of your fasting! eat grass, it will change your life.
i cant promote grass eating enough, everyone thinks im kidding, eat grass, its the future.
i think im sick too
yeah sometimes i just have to ignore her but she is kind of hard to ignore too sometimes, i dont know, you would just have to know her, which thank god you dont, for your sake.

some people drink pee for health benifits, i think we have talked about this before. all grass is gonna be a little dirty but you know thats part of the good thing about it, you can just become one with nature... and dog piss.
makes you a better person.
thanks. :-*

hmm, walmart grass would probably be okay but the whole point [at least in my life] is to eat something that is just naturally there, something you dont have to pay for, but i guess a one time fee wouldnt be bad or anything, just make sure theres no catnip in it... we dont want you strung out.

omg, blonde? hmm, well youll have to post a better picture of yourself so i can really get a good look at you.
So, umm, ya gonna let me take you out and get you F-U-C-K-E-D up?!?!?!?!? Please oh please oh please, darling! This has been my life long dream. It'll be a blast. I'll take ya out with me and Shay. Ohhh GOOOODDD we're gettin old! I need your cell number again. Dad erased everything on yahoo. So send it to me!
Love Ya