To Nick

Listening to: Weezer
Feeling: eh
I got back on Saturday from my vacation. It was exceptionally good. We all pretty much got along, I didn't get sunburned until the second to last day, and the horrible blisters on my arms and back are starting to heal. Several times I thought I might be killed in the ocean since all the hurricane action was stirring things up but I didn't and here I am. I have to admit I've been more than a little reluctant to return to this diary. I feel empty headed and uninspired. It sucks to face this blank box with nothing to say except that I'm sunburned and in a bad mood. But here I am. Mostly I don't feel like being here anymore because my good friend [nick] is gone and most of my other friends on this site are more quiet than usual. I know this is a diary to write my feelings in but what fun is it when no one comments? I have a pencil and paper in my room to write on. Here's my entry to nick: I never told you that you remind me of Dave Matthews. I don't know why you do but there it is. Some late nights spent being a comment whore with you kept me from thinking about things that kill me inside. Your advice kept me from dropping out of college. I have an unnatural obsession with knowing how you are and what your doing. I've fallen in love with your writing. I miss you terribly. Please come back soon. Later... My entry to nick sucks. Here's another try. You are sitd to me. You are not a faceless, nameless, internet person to me. And it really has nothing to do with you. I've made you into this gigantic part of my online life. And now your gone. And that's what you needed to do. I'm happy for you. But I'm not happy for me. Either way I'm thinking of you. That sucked too. I suck writing lately. Tune in tomorrow folks.
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