Six Pounds

Listening to: Will Smith "The Rain"
Feeling: sinful
I felt better today. My dad came up and made me laugh. I ate some eggs and Puff 'n Corn and if you've never had Puff 'n Corn you are missing something that's mad good. I'm going to wake up feeling even better I'm sure. I could actually talk today. Fantasique! The really cool thing is that I have lost six pounds in the last week. I wouldn't want to go through it again but at least I got something out of it. Tomorrow we're going to move the rest of our stuff out of my dad's ex's house. I'm glad it'll finally be over. Those people have inspired way too much hate and rage in me. I saw "I, Robot" tonight. It was really good. There's nothing like a good sci-fi flick when you feel like crap. The movie verified what I all ready knew about Will Smith, he's a fantastic actor and really funny.
Read 4 comments
ugh, i recently put an end to my livejournal too! but ill add you anyway, never know, i may resurrect it.

if i feel certain about another place ill let you know also.
Hey me? What? Huh? Oh yeah.
thats awesome you lost 6 pounds...

and i robot was pretty good...

will smith rocks just because hes such a goodguy or so he seems you know.

blondie is beautiful.

im glad youre not ill now or getting better.
i dont like worrying about my "crew"

if puff n corn is what im thinking then yes it is amazing.

you sure have good taste.

thas why u be my hero Vval.
