The Investigation Begins

Feeling: faded
I said I'm going to keep updating so here it is. I'm here almost unwillingly. I have an aversion to writing here for some reason. I dunno. I'll get over it. I've been filling my days with VH1 list shows, repeated viewing of "Lost In Translation", and the occassional romance novel. I haven't been devoting myself (like I swore I would) to school. It's laughable that I thought I would enjoy school this year. But I guess after a summer like the one I had even this is better. College is just one gigantic transitional period. A means to an end. I have a poetry blog on blogger. Prior to this I've been a little private about it. I've posted a few on here with sort of disaterous results but blogger is a totally different world. Myspace is like where all the trendy people from high school hang out and the uncool people kinda walk around on the edges. I am difinetly walking around the edges. More later... Later... I'm up at 5:05 am again. It's becoming a ritual. I don't want to miss anything. I can't sleep. I think it has something to do with my anxiety. I dunno. The other day my overhead lightbulb went out. I replaced it with one that is way too bright so I've been walking around with sunglasses on all night. I feel like I'm on the surface of the sun. I've been craving and eating M&Ms like crazy lately. Not normal M&Ms but the peanut ones. Ever had the crispy kind? They are disgusting. Maybe I'm preparing for Halloween? I listened to Alicia Keys "Unbreakable" all day today. Like over 100 times or something. It's a feel good song. The onset of October puts me in a funk. And not the kind of funk that the Black Eyed Peas can get me out of.
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i saw a commercial for moonpies and said "valllllllll!!!"

out loud.
Hey i like your site pink is my favorite holla