Just Bee Yourself

Yes, everyone should just be themselves and they should wear t-shirts that state their moods, where they are from, or a funny saying. It should be law. I'm tired of looking at plain t-shirts. Give me something to read. Today is another great day. Do you know why? Because I'm making it one. I woke up on time, went to class, ate a gigantic cheeseburger, and laughed with my friends. Wonderful. And no, I'm not just riding my emotions. I trying to make my emotions the reflection of my life. So far its working. I'm not going to spend my life depressed. I'm not going to turn into my mom. I'm not. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:37 am I think it must be horrible to be an athiest. What does it hurt to believe in God? It's easy to see things positively when you believe someone is watching out for you. And maybe it's not true but who cares? Everybody needs comfort. And what if it is true? Your shit out of luck when you die. I'm very aware of the scientific reasons why a lot of religious things are disputed. But while my mind has a big part of my spirituality, my soul is the part that guides me. I feel a presence with me. I don't know if its God or my mom or wind but its something. And its not important if your Muslim or Jewish or Catholic as long as you belive in something. Just believe in something. The darkest part of my life wasn't as dark as it could have been because of my faith. And I'm not a person who goes to church or reads the Bible every night but I try to live my life following what my soul tells me is right. I think we have to answer for things, not just the things we did but the things we thought. Right now I'm at the stage of repenting for things I've done. (Last week I picked up about a trashbag full of liter because I used to liter a lot.) I feel better, lighter. I don't think being spiritual means being dull and bored. It means letting your soul guide you. Don't you feel your soul tugging at you sometimes? Pulling you in the direction you need to go? Or when you hear that perfect song that blows your mind? Or when someone you love tells you they love you too? I feel it and it's changing my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- why dont you read a book? they're great.... even better then peoples shirts. [anonymous (] To answer your question: I do read. All the time. I'm an English major. That was my own little brand of humor. If you don't like it, you can spit it back up. Or click "Random" at the top left of the screen. Isn't sitD great? :-)
Read 3 comments
why dont you read a book? they're great.... even better then peoples shirts.
im in new zealand so myeah. i suppose its way different from where you are.

its okay to believe in God. and reading's quite cool i guess. really depends on what you're reading.

youre seriously an english major? whoa, id look up to you!
i think alot of people get hung up on the word god. people that are atheists believe in something [most of them], its just not the name god. its like you can believe in your fork, its okay.
but people get all crazy when you say the name god.

ha ha, anonymous people are stupid.
i like your shirt pics.