From The US Open to Footie

Listening to: Soccer on TV
Feeling: eh
My dad and I watched Austrailian Rules Football last night. I have to say that it is one of the most exciting sports to watch. It's a circle field and they all are just running like maniacs for the entire game. Glorious. It's college football day today as well as Premiership soccer so we're making a day of it. I'm really into sports lately. I guess ever since the U.S. Open (tennis). I'm really just waiting around until rugby season (January through May). I'm doing okay otherwise. School is boring as all heck like usual and I'm not really into it (like usual) but I'm here and that counts for something. I trying to get all my poems together and sort out the good and the bad maybe get a section together. I dunno. It's hard to be objective. Another, longer entry will come tomorrow. I owe it to myself.
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Hey! My homeland is Australia and I must say that Australian Rules Football is just about the greatest thing ever. Go Aussies!
no, you're not.

Huckabees didn't quite fly here at the movies and has yet to make it to video. I am keen to see it, though.

I will be updating - it's a new year's resolution - and I couldn't be arsed to move everything to another place, so here I shall be, for the forseeable future and then some.

You enjoy rugby? Good Lord! I didn't think the Yanks knew what rugby was. We should have you stuffed.

Good luck with the poems - objectivity is crap!
