Hell On Earth

Listening to: Seinfeld
Feeling: illuminated
For the last three days I have been in agony. Specifically my sinus' are inflamed and making the side of my face throb unbearably. Now my throat is swelling. I slept through my doctors appointment because I hadn't slept in 48 hours. Last night I drank some tequila. It helped because you don't care about your face hurting when you have a buzz. I think I'll chug the rest of it so I can get to sleep. I realised that I recognized the smell of tequila and wondered from where. It's mascara. Weird. I think my throat might be swelling shut. I don't know the proper protocol for that. When is it too swollen? Should I wait until I can't breathe? If so, how will I call for help? I can see myself crawling down the hall with a scribbled note: "Help, My Throat Is Swelling Shut!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day... I had to go to the hospital this morning and get an antibiotic shot in my hip. I haven't slept in two days so I was crying and being a baby. Mucho embarrassing. I'm feeling a little better though and I got some muscle relaxers so I should be good.
Read 3 comments
omygod it sounds horrific are you still alive?
damn girl go to a Ddoctor. and i love you too. but of course you already knew that. i do like the picture, movies aren't classy anymore. nor are many women these days.
its good to know that youre still Aaround - i shall comment more later.
til then rockonandoutandover my Hhero Vval.
eh. my ppoor little Vval.
i've had those shots and do not enjoy them...well maybe a bit.
but at least now i know you won't die.

i will send you the answers through mental vibes so concentrate very hard.
