An entry, you say? More like an exit.

That last entry was whiny, I'm really sorry. I'd say I won't do it again, but that would be a lie. Social events svx0r. It's Rachel's birthday this weekend, and I have to go out with her + family, because one wouldn't be bad enough by themselves. I need to buy her something, and I have no idea. I've never been good at this. A second hand cd will do, I suppose. *is a cheapo* Jesus, this glow text will be the death of me, it lags like hell (And before you say anything, yes! Hell -does- lag!) No other way I can think of of making this text easier to read without changing the background, though. *emo tear*
Read 6 comments
i am confused, where did you delete them. i am sorry i am very slow. lol
verry good idea
thanks for the comment!!
so it looks like this, without the spaces?

" style type="text/css">
" /style>
thanks so much for everything, does it make ur computer slow? its making mine. i put it on later but omg i love you for putting all this effort into helping me, we need more people like you
I just finally got around to reading this... And for some reason I remembered the first layout I saw in your old diary... Grey all around, with Kurt Cobain... I thought it was so beautiful... I hate glow text... Not only does it lag, it's hard to read anyway... Damn color coordination... Sorry, I'm random today... In these bipolar times, I never know what's going to come out of my mouth next...
ooh i like u diary.. i was reading ur last entry.. and u shouldnt say ur ugly.. no one's ugly.. everyone's beautiful in their own way.. whether it be physical or mental.. [on the inside or outside] everyone is.. phsical beauty isnt much unless u have the inner beauty to go along with it. let ur inner beauty shine through! dont be so down on ursel im sure ur a beautiful person! -kim :)