
Today was pretty damn coool. We had to go on a geography excursion to the beach. Yes, this may SOUND good, but it isn't when the beach is covered with bluebottles, you aren't allowed to swim and it's 3528758275 degrees celcius. But yeah, back to the good part. We had to go around interviewing people in the area and it was really hard to find anyone because there were more of us than them and usually when they saw a person walking around with a survey they'd duck into a shop. Unless it was just us that have that effect on people. ANYWAY. We finally found this oldish guy to interview and we finish, and start walking away and this cute guy with orange curly hair walks up to the oldish guy and starts talking to him. And Rachel goes "Isn't that the guy from In The Grey" and started screaming because she's pathetic. =D And we went and said hi and he was really nice and stuff. And we made friends with some old hobos who kept complaining about the "druggos" and drunks. o_o Blegh. I'm still finding it really hard to be too happy about things because I always have this dread of work that hangs less than a week away.
Read 2 comments

For some reason your diary wouldn't let me get past the middle of august. kept saying it was the last entry...

And somehow you still found the comment...

I think someone drugged my after-homecoming jack in the box... wait that was after I left the comment...

ARGH! *is frazzled*

Well anyway


I shall comment more later.

Choir concert tonight, oh joy.

~ Beth

PS. have a niceful day.
My school had an excursion like that for geography last year...

Only the memories of mine include me and my friend Babs eating chips on a pier and being completely bombarded by seagulls... then this bird that looked like an eagle swooped on us and we threw the cips into the water and ran away...

And the moral of this story is that little birds have bigger scarier birdy friends...