I'm just so super nice. =D

Listening to: Bright Eyes
Feeling: somber
If one more person asks me how I get my links to flip I'm going to SCREAM! No offence. So yes. I thought I'd put it here for your convenience. Aren't I nice? [style type="text/css"] A:link,a:active,a:visited{color:black;font:8pt verdana;}A:hover {color:black; cursor:crosshair;font:8pt verdana;height:7pt;filter:fliph;}td,p,font,body{color:black;font:8pt verdana} [/style] Change the square brackets to those other thingies, though. And you can change the colour, font, etc, etc, it's really just that filter part that matters. Oh, and for it to flip vertically it's flipv not fliph. So I'm not great at explaining.. And I'm never ever ever going to post whiney stuff here agian, or at least I'll make that private if I do. I'd rather have my normal entries ignored than my suicidal ones, thank you very much.
Read 2 comments

if i was someone who batted on things, i would bet that as soon as this entry dissapears from the top youll get flooded with link questions again
Aww, please keep making whiny entries!! I love them... you are a beautiful person and I love to read your words, even if they are just part of a crazy self-pitying rant.

X_X private entries suck X_X

You know, you could just put all your whiny entries in your old diary... *hint, hint*