Lets make this.. vaguer. :P

Sean asked me out a week ago. YES, imaginary reader, THE SEAN I HAVE HAD A DISGUSTING CRUSH ON FOR TWO YEARS (little does he know!). One would think that it would be impossible for a girl to be insecure when she is being kissed and hugged almost constantly, but this one manages it. I can not shake the feeling that he is sick of me. I don't mind him talking to other girls or anything, his best friend is a gorgeous, funny and nice blonde, I'm not THAT kind of jealous freak. It's just that every time he doesn't kiss me goodbye, or doesn't.. say something to me, I feel as if he has rejected me somehow, deeply, and I really need to work on that. I miss him constantly when he isn't there, and I doubt he even thinks about my lack of presence. I am such a stalker. I am such a sucker. And I have wanted this for so long. As far back as I can remember I have felt magnetised towards him, and now it's here.. and.. I feel the same. Worse, perhaps, because I don't know where to go from here. Nothing more to ask, wish, want, I should be happy. But instead, discontent, unmotivated, TIRED. And is it wrong to feel happy when someone calls you a prize? And the best one, at that.
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Who are you calling imaginary? =P