Goodnight, goodnight.

I cannot write essays, I swear it. All my points get jumbled up. I mean, how you can you write one point about civilization without relating it to the next point which is, say, law and order. I mean, these are closely related but I can't put them as one because then it would be "How low and order in civilization stop us from becoming savage, which is our normal state". Which actually makes more sense than splitting them up, except it would be hard to show all the different branches of it without going off topic and/or falling asleep. UGH. Today I went to a family friend's barmitzvah. It was kind of sadhappy because the kid is what we like to call, uh, special. He lost a lot of oxygen when he was born. I mean, it's happy that he could even do this whole thing, but it's sad to think that I just complained about a fucking english essay when there are people who struggle just to read and write. Oh, whatever, you've heard this all before.
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oooh... now i remember my friends talking about surds... i never did them, i was in slow people math...

...arent paragraphs supposed to be intertwined??