Replace me with Glass

"treat people the way you want to be treated"...that quote has got to be the biggest load of BS I was ever fed as a child. Hatas Hatas Hatas ahhh I'm surrounded (in yearbook) I've been really blunt lately and I'm prolly coming off as a bitch, but I've been so tired and irritated by stupid ppl. For instance, in English I'm about ready to blow my head off. These gay guys always make fun of black ppl. KNOWING I CAN HEAR THEM~ such ghetto wannabes. And at lunch...ahh let me not start. I need a shirt that says 'shut up' and another one that says 'let god do the judging.' The long hallway with the dim lights (makes it seem like in your in WONDER YEARS)...the only place where I'm not compelled to knock someone out. ahh my yearbook teacher just tried to read this...*blag. One more day till Spring Break. I'm looking forward to it.
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spring break will be awsome, but it's not until april for me that stinks