Today was sooo funny! ha ha ha Steph missed the funnest thing! well the morning was so tiring!! BUT then the afternoon came! lol ok at lunch me and Lace took our syrenges to the park.. and then Kyra, Kim, Nicole, Lace and I are talking.. then Nick come over.. we start talking you know....blah blah blah then Jeff comes over and takes Laces syrenge away so then were all running and running lol then Jeff starts blabing then i said "fine Ill take it back!" so Jeff just turns and starts running then co co catue HE HITS THE TREE! owww my kneee!!!!!! my kneee!!!!! owwww my face hurts! lmfao! ok ok loafers spraied me with my own syrenge and then it looked like I sat in water.. then I sprayed him in the crotch..lolt hen I sprayed him down his shirt. fun fun... OMG ok I hate it soooo much when you find out that someone lies to you then comes clean and wants you to tell them what to do.. like I hate ordering people around..yet people do it to me all the time.. well I have to go now bUh bYE P.S. I have 14 days untill I move
Read 3 comments
soooo subtle
is this jeff kid a loser? lol it kinda seems like it a bit.
well ttyl
i heart jeff lol he's so smart.

rena x/o