Listening to: Truely Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
Feeling: excited
ok ok ok ok ok i go that from steph.
Today was fun!
Okay, lol... Damian, now knows my locker combo of by heart, so he was going in it, and he took my shoes...and wouldn't give me them back, but then he did. and then like... After school, he tells me that he took my exco sweater.. lol I never even noticed it missing. but w/e.
I was told about some goods, and then I asked the person if it were true.. and he said yes, and now im really happie. but im scared that its going to all change when She get's back because he likes her way more... and Melanie keeps telling me that he will never like me because he likes her to much... and then I had asked melanie what she would say if he were to kiss me, and her exacte words were "haha omg no offence but i would be amazed" so i guess it will never happen.. :(
but yah.. i wish it would happen, because I really like Rancid!
but yah, im FREEZINg, and shaking, so im going to go in my warm bed... lol
and aboot. but hey... you know..
So I just figured out that Rancid is the codename
I thought u meant the band. Because I didn't know you were interested in crap.
I heart yoo!